1. On August 18, 1885, the first train arrived in Hailey, Idaho. This marked the beginning of an era of rail transportation that would transform the region's economy and facilitate the movement of goods and people across the state.
2. On August 18, 1940, the Idaho State Police was founded. The department was established to enforce state laws, maintain public order, and protect citizens from criminal activities.
3. In 1959, on August 18, the C. Ben Ross Reservoir was officially dedicated by the Bureau of Reclamation. The reservoir, which is located in the Snake River Plain, provides irrigation water for farmers and serves as a recreational area for local residents.
4. On August 18, 1983, the Craters of the Moon National Monument and Preserve was expanded from its original size of 54 square miles to its current size of 738 square miles. The preserve is home to a unique landscape of volcanic features, including cinder cones, lava fields, and lava caves.
5. In 2018, on August 18, Idaho Governor Butch Otter signed a bill that raised the legal age for purchasing tobacco products from 18 to 21 years old. Idaho became the eighth state in the United States to enact such a law, aimed at reducing youth access to tobacco and nicotine products.
5 Fun Facts About August 18 In Idaho History
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