1. On August 29, 1867, the first issue of the Idaho Tri-Weekly Statesman newspaper was published in Boise. It became a prominent source of news and opinion in the region, and played an important role in shaping public opinion during Idaho's early years as a territory and later as a state.
2. August 29, 1902, marked the opening of the Coeur d'Alene National Forest, which covers over 2 million acres in northern Idaho. The forest is known for its scenic beauty, recreation opportunities, and important wildlife habitat, and has been the site of many conservation battles over the years.
3. The Idaho State Police was founded on August 29, 1939, with the passage of legislation creating a "Department of Law Enforcement." The ISP has since played a critical role in protecting the safety and security of Idaho residents, and has been involved in many high-profile cases over the years.
4. Perhaps the most infamous event in Idaho history associated with August 29 occurred in 1992, when white supremacist Randy Weaver surrendered to federal authorities following a standoff at his home near Ruby Ridge. The incident and the subsequent legal battles became a rallying cry for anti-government extremists across the country.
5. On a much more positive note, August 29 is celebrated each year as "Idaho Day" in recognition of the state's admission to the Union on that date in 1890. Festivities include parades, concerts, and other events across the state, and are a time for Idahoans to celebrate their unique history and culture.
5 Fun Facts About August 29 In Idaho History
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