1. On August 8, 1951, the first commercial salmon cannery in Alaska officially closed down. The North Pacific Packers cannery had operated for nearly four decades in Bristol Bay, processing millions of salmon during that time.
2. In 1962, on August 8th, a magnitude 7.1 earthquake struck near Fairbanks, causing significant damage to the city and surrounding areas. The quake was felt throughout much of Alaska and even as far as Seattle.
3. On August 8, 2005, the Alaska Aerospace Development Corporation successfully launched its first rocket from its launch facility on Kodiak Island. The rocket, a Lockheed Martin Athena, carried a military payload for the U.S. Air Force.
4. August 8, 1915 saw the opening of the Alaska-Yukon Pacific Exposition in Seattle, Washington. The event, which ran through October of that year, was a celebration of the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, and featured exhibits and attractions from across the region.
5. Finally, on August 8, 1975, Congress enacted the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, which settled land and financial claims made by Native Alaskans against the U.S. government. The act granted over 44 million acres of land and nearly a billion dollars to Alaska Natives, and is considered one of the most significant land settlements in American history.
5 Fun Facts About August 8 In Alaska History
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