1. The Connecticut State Capitol Building was Dedicated: On December 1, 1879, the Connecticut State Capitol Building was officially dedicated in Hartford. The building's design was inspired by the United States Capitol building in Washington D.C. and is now a popular tourist attraction in Connecticut.
2. Yale University Established a School of Forestry: In 1900, Yale University established the first school of forestry in the United States on December 1. This initiative was the result of the concerns raised about the depletion of forest resources and had a significant impact on forest management practices in Connecticut and across the country.
3. Connecticut Ratified the United States Constitution: On December 1, 1787, Connecticut became the fifth state to ratify the United States Constitution. The state's strong support for the Constitution was instrumental in its eventual adoption by the country. Today, the Constitution State remains a proud symbol of Connecticut's role in the birth of the United States.
4. The First Electric Locomotive Ran in Connecticut: On December 1, 1887, the first electric locomotive made its maiden run in Berlin, Connecticut. The locomotive was powered by electricity generated from overhead wires, which marked a key advancement in transportation technology at the time.
5. Connecticut Women Got the Right to Vote: Connecticut was one of the first states to grant women the right to vote in certain elections. On December 1, 1893, the state passed legislation allowing women who were taxpayers and had property rights to vote in school board elections. This was a significant step towards women's suffrage, which was eventually granted in the United States in 1920.
5 Fun Facts About December 1 In Connecticut History
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