1. The first Spanish settlement in California was established on December 13, 1769, when Father Junipero Serra founded the Mission San Diego de Alcalá. This mission played a significant role in the colonization of California and the spread of Christianity among native populations.
2. On December 13, 1937, the Golden Gate Bridge, one of California's most iconic landmarks, began construction. The bridge took four years to build and was completed in 1941. It spans 1.7 miles and has become a symbol of San Francisco and California.
3. In 1846, a group of American settlers in California declared their independence from Mexican rule on December 13, naming their new state the California Republic. This short-lived republic lasted just over a month before the United States took control of California as part of the Mexican-American War.
4. California's state flower, the California poppy, was officially recognized on December 13, 1903. This bright orange flower blooms across the state in the springtime and is a popular symbol of California's beauty and natural landscapes.
5. On December 13, 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger was inaugurated as the 38th governor of California, succeeding Gray Davis in a special recall election. Schwarzenegger, a former actor and bodybuilder, served as governor until 2011 and was known for his efforts to address California's fiscal crisis and implement environmental policies.
5 Fun Facts About December 13 In California History
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