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5 Fun Facts About December 17 In South Dakota History

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1. On December 17, 1903, the famous Wright Brothers made their first successful flight in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. Although this didn't happen in South Dakota, it was a significant moment in aviation history that impacted the entire country and world.

2. In 1890, on December 17th, South Dakota became the 40th state of the United States. This event marked the end of South Dakota's struggle to achieve statehood, which began with the Dakota Territory's creation in 1861.

3. December 17, 1944 marks the day of the deadliest theater disaster in U.S. history, the Cocoanut Grove fire in Boston. Although this event didn't occur in South Dakota, it was one of the most significant tragedies of the 20th century, with 492 people losing their lives.

4. On December 17, 1961, the last totem pole was carved by Chief Lelooska, a Native American artist and storyteller. The totem pole was erected in the town of Skagway, Alaska, but Lelooska's art and storytelling have influenced the cultural heritage of many Native American tribes across the United States.

5. In 1983, December 17th marked the start of the trial of Arlo Looking Cloud, charged with the 1975 murder of Anna Mae Aquash, a prominent American Indian Movement (AIM) leader. The trial was significant for its impact on the Native American civil rights movement, as well as the complicated relationships between AIM, the FBI, and the U.S. government.
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