December 6 is a significant day in Nevada history for various reasons. Here are five interesting facts about this day:
1. Nevada Statehood Day: December 6, 1864, marked the day when Nevada officially became the 36th state in the United States of America. The state was known for its rich silver deposits, and its admission into the Union played a vital role in the Civil War.
2. Mine explosion in Elko: On December 6, 1912, a tragic mine explosion occurred in Elko, Nevada, which claimed the lives of 14 miners. The explosion was caused by a spark, which ignited volatile gases in the mine.
3. The first indoor rodeo: The National Finals Rodeo (NFR) was first held indoors at the MGM Grand Garden in Las Vegas on December 6, 1985. The event has since become one of the top sporting events in Las Vegas, attracting thousands of fans from around the world.
4. Frank Sinatra's Birthday: Frank Sinatra, one of the most famous American singers of the 20th century, was born on December 6, 1915, in Hoboken, New Jersey. Although he was not born in Nevada, he maintained strong connections to the state and used to perform in Las Vegas frequently.
5. Nevada Day celebrated in Carson City: In 1933, Nevada's state legislature officially designated October 31st as Nevada Day, in commemoration of the state's admission to the Union. However, in 2000, the holiday's observance was moved to the last Friday in October, resulting in a long weekend. The official parade and other festivities are held in Carson City on the closest Saturday to Nevada Day.
5 Fun Facts About December 6 In Nevada History
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