1. Idaho officially became a state on February 25, 1890, becoming the 43rd state of the United States. Prior to statehood, Idaho was a territory of the United States and had been since 1863.
2. In 1913, the state legislature established the Idaho Fish and Game Commission on February 25. The commission was responsible for creating and enforcing wildlife protection laws and managing the state's fish populations.
3. On February 25, 1915, the city of Rexburg experienced a devastating fire that destroyed much of the town. The fire was caused by a short circuit in an electric power plant and led to the destruction of over 130 buildings.
4. The potato industry has played a significant role in Idaho's economy for many years, and on February 25, 1947, the Idaho Potato Commission was established to promote and market Idaho's famous crop.
5. In 1978, the Sun Valley Resort in Blaine County hosted the first-ever World Cup Ski Race in Idaho. The race featured some of the world's top skiers and helped put Sun Valley on the map as a premier ski destination.
5 Fun Facts About February 25 In Idaho History
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