1. January 19, 1861: Louisiana Secedes from the Union
On January 19, 1861, Louisiana officially seceded from the Union, becoming the sixth state to do so. The state's decision to join the Confederacy was a significant moment in the buildup to the American Civil War.
2. January 19, 1811: Slave Uprising in Louisiana
On January 19, 1811, a group of African American slaves in Louisiana launched a rebellion against their white masters. The rebellion, which lasted two days, resulted in the deaths of two white men and dozens of slaves. The uprising was one of the largest slave revolts in American history until that point.
3. January 19, 1903: Louisiana Purchase Exposition
On January 19, 1903, New Orleans was selected to host the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, also known as the 1904 World's Fair. The event was held to celebrate the centennial of the Louisiana Purchase and showcased new technology, art, and culture from across the world.
4. January 19, 1862: Battle of Milliken's Bend
On January 19, 1862, the Battle of Milliken's Bend was fought in Louisiana during the American Civil War. The Union Army scored a crucial victory against Confederate forces, which helped pave the way for the eventual capture of Vicksburg, Mississippi.
5. January 19, 1977: Snow in New Orleans
On January 19, 1977, New Orleans experienced a rare snowfall that covered the city in several inches of snow. The event was significant for Louisiana residents and visitors who rarely see snow and turned the city into a winter wonderland.
5 Fun Facts About January 19 In Louisiana History
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