1. In 1836, Indiana became the 19th state to enter the Union. The state capital of Indianapolis was founded just a year earlier and became the capital of the new state.
2. In 1919, Prohibition was ratified as the 18th Amendment to the United States Constitution. This meant that the production, sale, and transportation of alcohol was illegal in the United States. Indiana was a dry state before Prohibition and continued to be so after its repeal in 1933.
3. In 1961, the Mercury-Redstone 2 mission was launched from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The capsule carried a chimpanzee named Ham, who became the first hominid to experience space travel. The capsule splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean about 16 minutes after launch. The spacecraft and its cargo were recovered by the USS Donner and brought to the U.S. Naval Air Station in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
4. In 1977, Indiana Governor Otis R. Bowen signed legislation making the state the first in the nation to require the use of seat belts in automobiles. The law went into effect on July 1, 1987, and was aimed at reducing the number of automotive fatalities and injuries on Indiana highways.
5. In 2010, more than 3,000 people attended a gathering at the Indiana Statehouse to protest the State's proposed Right-to-Work legislation. The legislation would have forbidden employers from requiring employees to join unions as a condition of employment. Indiana became the 23rd state to enact Right-to-Work legislation in 2012.
5 Fun Facts About January 29 In Indiana History
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