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5 Fun Facts About January 3 In Delaware History

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1. The Battle of Cooch's Bridge: On January 3, 1777, the Battle of Cooch's Bridge took place near Newark, Delaware. This was the only major engagement fought on Delaware soil during the American Revolutionary War. The battle was fought between British forces under General William Howe and American forces led by General George Washington. The Americans were forced to retreat, but the battle helped delay the British advance towards Philadelphia.

2. Delaware Becomes a State: On January 3, 1788, Delaware became the first state to ratify the United States Constitution, making it the first state to be admitted to the Union. Delaware played a crucial role in the founding of the United States, and its decision to ratify the Constitution paved the way for other states to follow suit.

3. First African-American Elected to U.S. Senate: On January 3, 2013, Chris Coons was sworn in as the junior senator from Delaware, becoming the first person of African-American descent to represent Delaware in the U.S. Senate. Coons replaced Joe Biden, who had been elected Vice President of the United States.

4. Delaware's First Governor: On January 3, 1777, John McKinly was inaugurated as Delaware's first governor. McKinly was a physician and served as governor until 1781. During his time in office, he worked to establish a state judiciary and to improve the state's economic conditions.

5. Delaware's Ratification of the 13th Amendment: On January 3, 1901, Delaware ratified the 13th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. Delaware was the last state in the Union to ratify the amendment, which had been passed by Congress in 1865. The delay in Delaware's ratification was due in part to the state's reliance on the institution of slavery for its economy.
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