1. Birth of William Few: July 14, 1748, marked the birth of William Few in Maryland. Few would later move to Georgia and play a prominent role in the state's early history, serving as a delegate to the Continental Congress, a signer of the U.S. Constitution, and a U.S. Senator from Georgia.
2. State Constitution Ratified: On July 14, 1777, Georgia's first state constitution was ratified. This document established the framework for the state's government and formed the basis for subsequent state constitutions.
3. Sherman's March Through Georgia: In 1864, during the American Civil War, Union General William T. Sherman began his famous March to the Sea, which passed through Georgia and caused significant damage to the state's infrastructure and economy. The march began on July 14.
4. Atlanta Cyclorama Opens: On July 14, 1887, the Atlanta Cyclorama and Civil War Museum opened to the public. The cyclorama is a large circular painting that depicts the Battle of Atlanta, and it remains a popular attraction in Atlanta to this day.
5. First Coca-Cola Sold: According to legend, on July 14, 1886, pharmacist John Pemberton sold the first glass of Coca-Cola at Jacobs' Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia. Coca-Cola would go on to become one of the most iconic and well-known beverages in the world.
5 Fun Facts About July 14 In Georgia History
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