1. In 1933, one of the deadliest tornadoes in Colorado's history struck the town of Lamar, killing nine people and injuring hundreds more.
2. On June 2, 1862, Colorado's first territorial governor, William Gilpin, was removed from office after a series of scandals and controversies.
3. In 1954, the United States Air Force Academy officially opened in Colorado Springs, Colorado, with the first class of cadets beginning their training.
4. On this day in 2002, the Hayman Fire, the largest wildfire in Colorado's history, began the first of its six-week rampage through the state's central mountains, burning over 138,000 acres and destroying over 130 homes.
5. June 2, 1874, saw the first issue of the Colorado Telegram, one of the state's earliest newspapers, published in Denver.
5 Fun Facts About June 2 In Colorado History
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