1. Idaho became a territory: On March 15, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln signed an act creating the Idaho Territory, which included what is now Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. This paved the way for Idaho's eventual statehood in 1890.
2. First telegraph line completed: On March 15, 1866, the first telegraph line was completed in Idaho. It ran from Salt Lake City, Utah to Helena, Montana, and passed through Idaho's capital city of Boise.
3. Idaho's largest earthquake: On March 15, 1872, Idaho experienced its largest-ever earthquake, with a magnitude of 6.5. The quake occurred near Challis, Idaho and was felt as far away as Salt Lake City, Utah.
4. Idaho's first national forest established: On March 15, 1906, President Theodore Roosevelt established the Payette National Forest in Idaho. This was the state's first national forest, and it covers over 2.3 million acres of land in central Idaho.
5. Boise Junior College becomes Boise State University: On March 15, 1974, Boise Junior College officially became Boise State University. The school had been offering four-year degrees since 1965 and was granted university status by the Idaho Legislature. Today, Boise State is the largest university in Idaho, with an enrollment of over 25,000 students.
5 Fun Facts About March 15 In Idaho History
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