1. March 16, 1802: The United States Congress passed the Organic Act of 1801, which officially established the District of Columbia as the nation's capital. However, this was not without controversy, as many residents of the newly-formed city had their rights limited by the federal government.
2. March 16, 1862: During the American Civil War, the Battle of Island Number Ten took place in the Mississippi River, near New Madrid, Missouri. Union forces, including many soldiers from the District of Columbia, successfully besieged Confederate forces on the island, ultimately leading to the Union capture of the entire Mississippi River.
3. March 16, 1917: The Women's Suffrage Parade took place in Washington, D.C., with thousands of women marching through the streets to demand the right to vote. The march was organized by the National American Woman Suffrage Association, and many of the participants were from the District of Columbia.
4. March 16, 1949: The National Capital Housing Authority was established by Congress to help address the city's ongoing housing crisis. The agency was responsible for building and maintaining public housing throughout the District of Columbia, including many of the city's most well-known housing projects.
5. March 16, 1977: The District of Columbia Home Rule Act was signed into law by President Jimmy Carter, granting the city greater control over its own affairs. This included the creation of an elected mayor and city council, as well as the ability to pass local legislation without approval from Congress.
5 Fun Facts About March 16 In District Of Columbia History
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