1. Idaho Territory was established on March 18, 1863. President Abraham Lincoln signed the act creating the territory, which encompassed what is now Idaho, parts of Montana and Wyoming, and a portion of southeastern Oregon.
2. On March 18, 1890, renowned Idaho architect and designer John E. Tourtellotte was born in Troy, New York. Tourtellotte designed many significant buildings in Boise and throughout Idaho, including the Idaho State Capitol building.
3. On March 18, 1921, the Idaho State Dental Association was founded. The association works to promote oral health and welfare in the state through education, advocacy, and professional development.
4. The Salmon-Challis National Forest was established on March 18, 1907. The forest covers over 4.3 million acres in Idaho's central mountains and is home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, including several endangered species.
5. Idaho Governor C. Ben Ross was born on March 18, 1888. Ross served as Idaho's governor from 1931 to 1937 and is best known for his efforts to modernize state government and improve the state's economy during the Great Depression.
5 Fun Facts About March 18 In Idaho History
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