1. Maine's first Governor was sworn in on March 20, 1820
On March 20, 1820, William King was officially sworn in as Maine's first Governor. This occurred just a few months after Maine had officially become the 23rd state in the Union on March 15th of that year.
2. Maine's first female police officer was hired on March 20, 1972
On March 20, 1972, the city of Portland hired its first female police officer, Linda Colgan. Her hiring paved the way for other women to join the Portland Police Department in the coming years.
3. The first recorded case of legal abortion in Maine was on March 20, 1973
On March 20, 1973, a Portland physician performed Maine's first documented legal abortion. This procedure was made possible by the 1973 Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion nationwide.
4. Maine's largest blizzard started on March 20, 1982
On March 20, 1982, a Nor'easter began that would become known as the "Great Blizzard of '82." This storm dumped over 2 feet of snow in some parts of the state and caused widespread damage and power outages.
5. Maine's first same-sex marriage licenses were issued on March 20, 2013
On March 20, 2013, Maine began issuing same-sex marriage licenses after the state's residents approved a ballot measure legalizing same-sex marriage in November 2012. The first couple to receive a marriage license were Steven Bridges and Michael Snell of Portland.
5 Fun Facts About March 20 In Maine History
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