1. Veterans Day: November 11 is observed as Veterans Day across the United States, and Idaho is no exception. The state observes this holiday to honor the sacrifices and service of its military veterans.
2. Idaho Admission Day: November 11 is also a significant day for Idaho as it commemorates the state's Admission Day. On this day in 1890, Idaho became the 43rd state to be admitted to the Union.
3. Armistice Day: November 11 was originally celebrated as Armistice Day to mark the end of World War I. The armistice between the Allied Powers and Germany was signed on November 11, 1918.
4. King Mountain Battle: In 1864, the King Mountain Battle took place in south-central Idaho. This was a significant event in the Indian Wars as it saw the defeat of the Snake and Shoshone tribes by the United States Army.
5. Balloons Over Boise: November 11, 2017 marked the inaugural Balloons Over Boise event. The event saw hot air balloons take to the skies of Boise, Idaho, providing a spectacular sight for residents and visitors alike.
5 Fun Facts About November 11 In Idaho History
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