1. On November 25, 1783, the first known flight in North Carolina took place in New Bern. Jean-Pierre Blanchard, a French aeronaut, ascended in a hot air balloon before a crowd of spectators.
2. The North Carolina General Assembly met for the first time in Raleigh on November 25, 1794. The newly built State House was still under construction, so the members met in a nearby tavern.
3. On November 25, 1864, Union troops under General William T. Sherman seized the town of Goldsboro. The town was an important transportation hub for Confederate forces and its capture marked a significant victory for the Union Army.
4. Richard Gatling, the inventor of the Gatling gun, was born in North Carolina on November 25, 1818. The Gatling gun was a revolutionary weapon that fired multiple rounds per minute and helped to transform the nature of warfare.
5. On November 25, 1970, students at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University staged a sit-in at a Greensboro Woolworth's store to protest racial segregation at the lunch counter. The sit-in led to a wave of similar demonstrations across the country and helped to bring attention to the civil rights movement.
5 Fun Facts About November 25 In North Carolina History
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