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5 Fun Facts About November 30 In Colorado History

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1. In 1875, the Colorado state constitution was adopted on November 30th. The constitution established the framework for creating a state government and defined the rights of citizens in Colorado.
2. On November 30, 1898, a group of prospectors discovered gold in Cripple Creek, which sparked a gold rush and led to the growth of the city of Colorado Springs.
3. In 1910, the Moffat Tunnel was completed on November 30th. The tunnel, located in the Rocky Mountains, was an important transportation route for moving goods and people across Colorado.
4. The Battle of Sand Creek, a brutal attack on a peaceful Native American village, occurred on November 29-30, 1864. The attack was led by Colorado territorial militia forces and left over 150 Cheyenne and Arapaho people dead, mostly women and children.
5. On November 30, 1979, the United Airlines Flight 232 crash-landed at the Sioux City, Iowa airport. Many of the passengers on the plane were from Denver, Colorado. The crash was a seminal moment in aviation history, as the pilots were able to land the severely damaged plane and save the lives of many of the passengers.
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