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5 Fun Facts About October 4 In California History

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Several important events happened on October 4 in California history. Below are five interesting facts about this date:

1. In 1873, California's Constitution was revised, removing all legal barriers to the Chinese people's right to vote, marking an essential milestone in the state's civil rights history.

2. October 4, 1914, saw the opening of the Panama Canal, which enhanced maritime trade between California and East Asia, opening new opportunities for business and travel.

3. The first performance of the San Francisco Opera took place on October 4, 1923, with a successful production of "Rigoletto," marking the city's first significant contribution to the national and international opera scene.

4. In 1962, the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) was the first institution to use the internet's precursor, called the ARPANET, establishing a crucial node of communication and partnership that would later shape modern technological advancements.

5. Finally, on October 4, 1989, Hollywood celebrated the world premiere of "Batman," a film that became a massive success and universal phenomenon, contributing to the popular appeal of American culture and California's film industry.
  • Tags: CA

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