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5 Fun Facts About September 22 In Massachusetts History

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1. On September 22, 1777, British troops under General John Burgoyne surrendered to the Americans, marking a turning point in the Revolutionary War. The event took place in Saratoga, New York, but it had major implications for the war effort in Massachusetts and throughout the colonies.

2. In 1793, the cornerstone for the Massachusetts Statehouse was laid on Beacon Hill in Boston. The building took three years to complete and remains an iconic symbol of Massachusetts government to this day.

3. On September 22, 1862, the Battle of Antietam took place in Maryland, which was the bloodiest single day of the American Civil War. Many Massachusetts soldiers fought in the battle, including members of the 2nd Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, who suffered heavy casualties.

4. In 1892, the famous poem "Casey at the Bat" was first published in the San Francisco Examiner. The author, Ernest Thayer, was a native of Worcester, Massachusetts, and the poem became one of the most beloved pieces of American literature.

5. On September 22, 1914, Massachusetts became the first state to establish a minimum wage law. The law mandated that workers in certain industries receive a minimum wage of $8 per week for a 48-hour workweek. The law was later amended to include additional occupations and to adjust for inflation.
  • Tags: MA

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