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Can you tell us about yourself? 

"Hello, I'm Heather White and I teach at Quitman Upper Elementary. Um, I am the librarian or also known as the media specialist. Um, it is the in Quitman , Mississippi. I have been teaching and equipment school district for seven years and I have a total of 12 years teaching experience."


Why did you start a career in education?

"Started this career in education because I just felt that I could bring so much, uh, love to these kids that um, maybe not necessarily, uh, it's not like they didn't have it at home, but, um, just needed that extra love and support and I thought that I could make a difference. 


If you could have any other job what would it be and why?

"If I could have any other job. I believe I would want to be an actress because I am a librarian and I love performing and I love, um, bringing characters to life for students and it's just fun."


How are kids different now than 30 years ago?

"So I believe kids are different now than they were 30 years ago. Of course, because of technology, um, you, they really are so, um, focused and a enamored on their own technology that it's hard for us to keep their attention. And, um, I think that is also how it's so much different than 30 years ago. Even the 16, 17 years ago when I was in high school is just so much different now. Um, uh, they're, they're so focused on testing, but yet, um, they're focused on, you know, um, STEM or, um, the arts, whereas we didn't have that and it definitely didn't have it 30 years ago." 




What is one thing you would change to help kids learn better?

"Um, and then thing I would change to help kids learn better. Um, I would say, eh, since we're in the midst of testing, um, you know, not, and not be so focused on that test because everyone isn't the same. Um, you know, we have no child left behind and that's great. Uh, and we don't want to leave children behind, but we have to remember that there are those kids that, um, don't do well on standardized tests because they're not the standardized child. Um, and you know, we really need to remote, um, them as a person and not, you're being judged by a test. Um, and that's it. " 


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