
Freedom Over Fear by Laura McDonell
Listen The Freedom That Comes From Having the Courage to Take Risks I never lose. I either win, or I learn. (Nelson Mandela) Take Risks The previous two words come up a lot in conversation about growth and education. Often educators, when asked about different topics, will add ¨take risks¨...

Part 1: Reformation: Indoor Learning Environments
Listen We thought we were breaking boundaries with flexible seating. The reality is, though, we’re probably still doing everything the same. The only difference is just that we’ve offered our students “fun” chairs. Reforming education is no more about offering the same old, tired content to kids sitting on bouncy...

Mindfulness in the Classroom
Listen The demands put upon students these days, from kindergarten through high school, have become overwhelming. Kindergartners, 5 and 6 year olds, are expected to read and write by the end of the school year. Upper elementary age students need to be able to use a computer and take multiple,...

Activity Overload - Letting Kids Be Kids
Society today is fast-paced and brutal. We wake up early, throw on our clothes while the coffee brews, grab our stuff, and rush out the door, oftentimes all before the sun has even risen into the sky. Long gone are the days where you could sit quietly at the breakfast...

Dealing With a Challenging Child
As educators, it is inevitable that we will encounter challenging students throughout the course of our careers. While there are no sure-fire strategies to handle these students, there are some classroom management techniques that can help minimize disruptive behavior in the classroom and address it effectively when it does happen.Remain...

How Much Recess Kids Need
In order to promote a holistic learning environment, there are plenty of components that are involved with children. This comes in the form of an organized curriculum of topics to teach and an environment that promotes learning. However, a portion of a child's day at school which is imperative is...

7 Issues Facing The School System
The education world is rife with issues that stem from student discipline to lesson plans and the administration of schools. There are few listed here below that all parents, teachers, and administrators need to read. They all need perspective on certain things, and each subset of people should begin thinking...