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In contemporary society, education may be a critical driving force. Good education has the power to nature both intellect and curiosity. Such education can immediately impact a child’s life the moment he/she steps into a classroom. China currently has the largest population on the planet. The country offers its population with a diverse school system that includes; public schools that cater for the needs of students of all ages, specialized schools that have been tailored to meet the needs of the disabled students, and private schools among many types of learning institutions. 

It is worth noting that since China's education system has been developed under the influence of a different culture, some of the structural aspects of the country’s educational system may appear strange to foreigners. 

American and Chinese education systems are designed to meet different aims. In recent times, many parents and educators seem to agree that China's education system is essential for creating a foundation, while the American education system being crucial in cultivating a learner’s creativity. 

China’s education system puts emphasis on knowledge accumulation, how a learner utilizes and puts into use the knowledge learned at school, and the understanding of different knowledge structures and systems. On the hand, the hand the American education system is more concerned with how a student uses the knowledge acquired in school to impact society. The American system also gives the learner an opportunity to criticize ideas, challenge the very ideas, and at the same time offers the learners a chance to create new concepts. 

The manner in which American and Chinese students receive knowledge is different. When Chinese students are doing their homework, they often take notes while memorizing facts available in their course books. In America, teachers assess a student’s creativity, cooperation skills, and even leadership skills. By emphasizing on these skills, students get encouraged to take part in various extracurricular activities. The American education system provides many outlets that students can use to engage in extracurricular activities. Americans believe that education is not only a part of school life but a part of life. 

Over recent years, the classrooms in the Western world have been undergoing various changes. However, the most common issue of concern and point of discussion across numerous school districts is the need for personalized learning, innovation, creativity, as well as the necessity to prepare youth and children for the 21st century. It is becoming more clear that the classroom is becoming obsolete and this means that teaching as we know it requires a drastic overhaul. 

When compared to teachers in China, it is true that American teachers have a little more freedom when it comes to their input when building a unique curriculum tailored to meet a learner’s needs. Although things are changing at a fast pace, there is a tremendous amount of work that ought to be done to prepare the future generation for an unknown job future in the best manner possible. 

In Eastern countries, the most noticeable changes are coming down to technology. While the test scores are still critical in the Eastern world, more learners in these regions are beginning to take part in 21st-century learning activities to better prepare them for a highly competitive future that awaits them. It is worth taking note of the increase in pressure school environments in China are placing on students to attain an achieve high grades. 


In China, the teachers are responsible for large student bodies within their classrooms as compared to their counterparts in America. In some Chinese classes, it is normal to see a teacher handling a class of 30-50 students, and sometimes more. In America, teachers are starting to have more freedom of focusing on an individual student’s needs during learning. A look at China's education system shows that more emphasis is given to a collective group of students which contradicts America’s personalized learning approach. The question teachers in China ask themselves what they can do to improve learning as a whole. In America, teachers ask themselves how they can improve the leaning of a specific student. 


In the American schools, after each year (or grade), a leaner will always move onto the next teacher as they progress in their education journey. Students in the Chinese system may have the same teacher throughout their education journey. There are instances when the number of teachers teaching a particular group of students may increase to two or three, but this always happens while in primary. A similarity between Chinese and American teachers is the need to meet set teaching qualifications. 


American students are highly encouraged to participate in sports and arts from a young age. China’s education system has little or no time for sports and arts; this leaves the students to focus mainly on their curricular activities. Over recent years, there has been a noticeable change in the Chinese education system as more learners are being given the platform to be creative and innovative. While this change is slow and new, it is gradual and can be termed to be the face of a new generation of a creative bubble. 


In China, the pressure to perform comes from both the state and from home. As a result, the exams in the Chinese education system hold substantial weight. An expectation for high test grades have been ingrained in the Chinese culture; this has resulted in all citizens taking all letter grades and the standardized test scores very seriously. 
Unlike the situation in America, a student’s grading does not only affect and determine a student’s education level, but it goes into evaluating the teacher’s performance. If leaners attain good grades, their teachers get raises in pay. In America, there are different consequences when it comes to a learner’s outcome and performance on their written and oral exams. 

Required Education Level 

In the United States, there are compulsory education laws. According to these laws, a student ought to stay in school until they attain 16~18 of age. However, all students in China are required complete a minimum of 9 years of education after which students can either decide to opt for entering into the workforce, attending vocational training, or opting for Upper-Secondary School education. 

School Day 

In the Chinese education system, the instructor comes to you. Additionally, in Chinese classrooms, it is common to see students stay in classes during multiple lessons as the teachers rotate. In America, the case is different. Whether you are in an American middle school or high school, you will be guaranteed to see students hustle their way to various classes immediately the bell rings. American schools offer their students with elective subjects where a student can choose between chemistry or biology, but in China, students are expected to take similar classes until high school. 

The length of a school day is not the same in America and China. In America, a typical school day starts at 8 and ends by around 3. In China, there are options for evening classes that are offered in middle school and high school. 

Students in China receive tutoring or administer self-study in preparation for testing required t get into institutions of higher learning. Chinese schools offer longer lunch breaks as compared to American Schools. There are instances where Chinese lunch breaks span over two hours. 

After analyzing the similarities and differences, it is crucial to understand that education is culture. Different education systems reflect on different cultures. The American education system may come off great, but it can’t be suitable for China's society and vice versa.

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